Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wow so here's what I'm working on at the moment. I got this great book called "the new crewel" by Katherine Shaughnessy(ISBN 1-57990-680-x). It's really fantastic, the pictures are great, the instructions are excellent and the projects are really pretty and easy to adapt to your skill level. I created my own sampler by combining 4 of the patterns. You can check out more of the projects and places to buy them and the book here at Wool and There are mostly mod designs with a few more traditional patterns thrown in for good measure.

I've been busy as usual lately, but I have a list of things I want to blog about, I figure I'll list them here so I can catch myself up as I go.

Fri. 13, Jan. 2006
Blur the Lines/Soulsledge/Bella Morte show
Craft books I want
Flickr Addiction
Why I don't write about other people often.
Emily's Crow

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